Welcome message from the President
Dr. Samarth Singh
Stroke is an ever-existential daunting issue in the developing nations. Lack of facilities can always be cited for poor care, however I feel low stroke literacy is a major cause of poor stroke outcomes. As a result, these cases receive no treatment or inappropriate treatment. Last decade, Nepal has seen influx of a number of neurologists and neurology services have been made available at few centres. Prior to this the burden was mainly on neurosurgeons and internists.
During last 3-4 years a few neurointerventions have made the service available in Nepal. With obvious reasons of poor stroke literacy and cost, neurointervention is limited to a handful of tertiary care centres.We felt that there is an immediate need to bring togther everybody involved in stroke care, not just neurointerventionist but also neurosurgeons and neurologists. Shared efforts put together shall enable us to formally initiate the footsteps of NNISS (Nepal Neurointervention & Stroke Society).
The society is not exclusive to neurinterventionsts but deeply recognizes the roles of other fellow physicians who will always play an indispensable role in stroke management. NNISS also envisions promotion of neurointerventional procedures by physician and public education, starting training/fellowship programs of Neurointervention and stroke, and organizing Neurointervention as well established field in Nepal. NNISS will enable Nepalese patients to seek affordable and minimally invasive treatment at home, not abroad.
We welcome, neurointerventionists, neurologists and neurosurgeons to join NNISS, to establish and promote Neurointervention and stroke care in Nepal.
Dr Samarth Singh
President, NNISS